Do You See What I See? #4

Simeon and Anna’s Perspective – Luke 2:22-40

Mary and Joseph brought Jesus to the temple for purification rites as prescribed by Jewish law (Leviticus 12:2-8). This is where we encounter Simeon, a righteous and devout man, and Anna, the Prophetess.

simeonBefore Pentecost, the Holy Spirit came upon people to empower them to perform specific task. Here are a few of many examples:

The passage tells us the Holy Spirit was upon Simeon. He was promised that he would not die until he saw the Messiah.  On that faithful day, Simeon was moved by the spirit to enter the temple courts where he met Joseph and Mary and identified Jesus as the Messiah. He praised God for His faithfulness and declared that Jesus was the Messiah to all including gentiles.

After praising God and offering a special blessing to Joseph and Mary, we encounter a new character – Anna, a prophetess (Luke 2:36-38).

AnnaAnna, like Simeon was quiet old. She, too, was righteous and devout. I find it interesting that she is the first female recorded to have an encounter with the new-born Jesus. To me this an example that Jesus is the Messiah to all. The passage does not tell us what she may have said to Mary and Joseph. Her witness following the encounter is the significant point of the story.

Anna “gave thanks to God and spoke about the child to all who were looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem.” (Luke 2:38)

Key point(s) – God empowers His people with a message of hope and salvation.

To be continued…

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